Muhammad Zahid
Muhammad Zahid is a young energetic recent Computer Science graduate and online professional blogger. He is the founder and author of Mcqsquestions.com. He completed her graduation in June 2014 from Agriculture University Faisalabad Pakistan. He's currently working as IT Educator in Punjab School Education Department Pakistan and also a online sharp IT skills learner and web designer.
Why Start This Blog?
There are many reasons to start blogging but the most authenticated reason is "I love blogging". I am working on blogging since before my entrance in university. Now the main question why I start Mcqsquestions.com?, there is a long story but in short last 3 months ago I have to be appear in a job written test, the pattern of test based on Multiple choice questions. I need to preparation for this test I searched on google for MCQ's I get mostly scattered data and for a complete topic I visited more than one websites, that was a very tough experience.Meantime I decide to make a MCQs related website/blog which covers all Computer/IT technologies/subjects MCQ's. The Mcqsquestions.com is the outcome of my past decision.