Software Engineering MCQs Set 7

Software engineering mcq with answers set 7 includes prototyping model of software development, incremental model of software development mcqs.

Software engineering MCQs set 7 contains SDLC all models important mcqs for UGC NET, Software life cycle models questions and answers, waterfall model mcqs, mcqs on rapid application development model, prototype model quiz, spiral model mcq questions, evolutionary development model, incremental model multiple choice questions with answers and software engineering mcqs for PPSC.

Software Engineering MCQs Set 7

1. The most important feature of spiral model is ______?
A). Configuration management
B). Quality management
C). Requirement analysis
D). Risk management
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Correct: D

2. Which one of the following models is not suitable for accommodating changes?
A). Prototyping Model
B). RAD Model
C). Waterfall Model
D). Spiral Model
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Correct: C

3. Which property of the rapid prototype model is not important?
A). The speed with which it can be developed
B). Its ability to determine the client’s real needs
C). The speed with which it can be modified
D). The insights that the design team can gain from it, even if they are of the ‘how not to do it’ variety
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Correct: B

4. The model in which the requirements are implemented by category is ____?
A). Evolutionary Development Model
B). Prototyping
C). Waterfall Model
D). Iterative Enhancement Model
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Correct: A

5. If you were a lead developer of a software company and you are asked to submit a project / product within a stipulated time-frame but within cost barriers, which model would you select?
A). Waterfall Model
B). Spiral Model
C). RAD Model
D). Incremental Model
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Correct: C

6. A simple way of looking at the spiral model is as a waterfall model with each phase proceeded by _____?
A). Build-and-fix
B). Risk analysis
C). Synchronization
D). Testing
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Correct: B

7. Build & Fix model is suitable for programming exercises of _____ line of code.
A). 100-200
B). 200-400
C). 400-1000
D). More than 1000
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Correct: A

8. Process models are described as agile because they _____?
A). Eliminate the need for cumbersome documentation
B). Do not waste development time on planning activities
C). Emphasize maneuverability and adaptability
D). Make extensive use of prototype creation
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Correct: C

9. The linear sequential model of software development is _____?
A). A reasonable approach when requirements are well defined
B). The best approach to use for projects with large development teams
C). A good approach when a working program is required quickly
D). An old fashioned model that cannot be used in a modern context
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Correct: A

10. Which is not one of the types of prototype of Prototyping Model?
A). Vertical Prototype
B). Diagonal Prototype
C). Domain Prototype
D). Horizontal Prototype
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Correct: B

11. Which process model is also called as classic life cycle model?
A). RAD model
B). Prototyping model
C). Incremental model
D). Waterfall model
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Correct: D

12. The linear sequential model is also known as _____?
A). Classical life cycle model
B). Spiral model
C). Concurrent model
D). Waterfall model
E). Both A and D
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Correct: E

13. A COCOMO model is _____?
A). Common Cost Estimation Model
B). Constructive Cost Estimation Model
C). Complete Cost Estimation Model
D). Comprehensive Cost Estimation Model
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Correct: B

14. Which two of the following models will not be able to give the desired outcome if the user's participation is not involved?
A). RAD & Waterfall
B). Waterfall & Spiral
C). RAD & Spiral
D). RAD & Prototyping
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Correct: D

15. What are the major activities of the spiral model of software engineering?
A). Quick Design, Build Prototype, Evaluate Prototype, Refine Prototype
B). Defining, Prototyping, Testing, Delivery
C). Planning, Risk Analysis, Engineering, Customer Evaluation
D). Requirements
E). Testing
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Correct: C

16. The incremental model of software development is _____?
A). A good approach when a working core product is required quickly
B). A revolutionary model that is not used for commercial products
C). The best approach to use for projects with large development teams
D). A reasonable approach when requirements are well defined
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Correct: A

17. Which one of the following is not a phase of Prototyping Model?
A). Prototype Refinement
B). Quick Design
C). Engineer Product
D). Coding
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Correct: D

18. The _____ model is preferred for software development when the requirements are not clear.
A). Rapid Application Development
B). Evolutionary Model
C). Waterfall Model
D). Spiral Model
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Correct: B

19. Evolutionary software process models ______?
A). Are iterative in nature
B). Do not generally produce throwaway systems
C). Can easily accommodate product requirements changes
D). All of the above
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Correct: D

20. Which of the following statements regarding Build & Fix Model is wrong?
A). It scales up well to large projects
B). Code soon becomes unfixable & unchangeable
C). No room for structured design
D). Maintenance is practically not possible
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Correct: A

21. In the spiral model ‘risk analysis’ is performed _____?
A). Before using spiral model
B). In the first loop
C). In every loop
D). In the first and second loop
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Correct: C

22. Which model can be selected if user is involved in all the phases of SDLC?
A). RAD Model
B). Waterfall Model
C). Prototyping Model
D). Both Prototyping Model & RAD Model
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Correct: A

23. The rapid application development model is _____?
A). A high speed adaptation of the linear sequential model
B). Another name for component-based development
C). A useful approach when a customer cannot define requirements clearly
D). All of the above
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Correct: A

24. RAD Model has _____?
A). 2 phases
B). 3 phase
C). 4 phase
D). 5 phase
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Correct: D

25. For a well understood data processing application it is best to use _____?
A). Prototyping model
B). Waterfall model
C). Evolutionary model
D). Spiral model
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Correct: B

26. Which of the following is not included in waterfall model ?
A). Requirement analysis
B). Design
C). Risk analysis
D). Coding
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Correct: C

27. In choosing a system development life cycle model, one would consider the _____?
A). Development group expertise, Problem characteristics, User expectations
B). System analysis, User interface, Testing
C). Languages, Development schedule, Competition
D). Organizational structure, User tasks, Performance criteria
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Correct: A

28. Which of the following life cycle model can’t be chosen if the development team has less experience on similar projects?
B). Waterfall
C). Iterative Model
D). Spiral
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Correct: D

29. The prototyping model of software development is _____?
A). A reasonable approach when requirements are well defined.
B). A useful approach when a customer cannot define requirements clearly
C). A risky model that rarely produces a meaningful product
D). The best approach to use for projects with large development teams
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Correct: B

30. The quick design of a software that is visible to end users leads to _____?
A). Spiral model
B). Waterfall model
C). Prototype model
D). Iterative model
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Correct: C

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My Name is M. Zahid, I have master degree in Computer Science. Currently I am working as an Information Technology Teacher in Govt sector of Pakistan. Blogging is my passion and I try my best to deliver some useful contents on our blogs for my res…
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