Preposition MCQs: Preposition MCQs with answers, preposition MCQs for NTS tests, and English preposition MCQs for PPSC. A preposition is a small word used to connect nouns, pronouns, or phrases to other words within a sentence. Prepositions are usually short words, and they are typically placed directly in front of nouns. There are approximately 80 to 100 prepositions in the English language.
Prepositions don't stand alone; they work in groups of words called prepositional phrases. Commonly used prepositions include in, on, for, from, at, about, within, between, among, behind, and into, etc.
English preposition MCQs are part of any NTS, PPSC, FPSC, or CSS test. There are usually 3 to 5 preposition MCQs included in each test. Before appearing for either test, we should prepare adequately. To meet the needs of students, job seekers, and our loyal readers, we are starting a preposition MCQs series with answers, in which you can prepare the MCQs on prepositions effectively. All the preposition MCQs are sourced from past papers of NTS, PPSC, and FPSC. These preposition MCQs are helpful for every NTS, PPSC, and FPSC job test. Let's start the quiz..
Preposition MCQs Set 6
A). in
B). into
C). at
D). of
A). in
B). at
C). on
D). of
A). to
B). for
C). in
D). of
A). in
B). for
C). at
D). on
A). at
B). in
C). on
D). of
A). about
B). on
C). in
D). at
A). for
B). in
C). from
D). on
A). on
B). in
C). of
D). at
A). on
B). for
C). at
D). in
A). upon
B). in
C). at
D). of
A). upon
B). of
C). in
D). on
A). upon
B). in
C). of
D). on
A). of
B). upon
C). on
D). in
A). on
B). into
C). at
D). in
A). on
B). in
C). of
D). into
A). of
B). in
C). at
D). on
A). in
B). to
C). of
D). at
A). in
B). within
C). at
D). for
A). on
B). after
C). in
D). of
A). within
B). between
C). among
D). of
A). among
B). within
C). between
D). in
A). on
B). in
C). among
D). between
A). among
B). between
C). within
D). in
A). on
B). in
C). at
D). after
A). after
B). of
C). behind
D). on
A). about
B). by
C). in
D). of
A). about
B). to
C). till
D). in
A). to
B). at
C). from
D). on
A). to
B). at
C). on
D). in
A). at
B). on
C). of
D). in
Read also>->>Preposition MCQs Set 5
Read also>->>Preposition MCQs Set 7