MS Word mcqs set 11 is another word mcqs set which contain 25 mcqs with their answers. This set contains mostly ms word shortcut keys related objective questions. These mcqs are the same for all ms word versions. These mcqs covers the following searches in Google ms word 10 mcqs, ms word 7 mcqs, ms word 11 mcqs, ms word 13 mcqs, ms word 16 mcqs or ms word 19 mcqs. All the mcqs in this page supported all MS word word 2007 to onward versions.
We shortlisted the mcqs which are asked in various previous exams. A student or job seeker must prepare ms word objective before any test or interview. Basically the examiners judges the candidate computer knowledge related to MS Office. The knowledge of MS Office is now most demanding in every field of life. So a student or job finder must have Microsoft office knowledge before appearing in test.
Microsoft Word MCQ Questions With Answers Set 11
1. Headers and footers can include text and graphics, as well as the _____ ?A). Current date
B). Page number
C). Current time
D). All of the above
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2. The scroll box on the vertical scroll bar indicates the _____ ?
A). Position of the insertion point from the top of the page
B). Distance of the insertion point from the left margin
C). Current relative location of the document portion displayed in the window
D). Rank of the word in which the insertion point is found
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3. To undo the last work, press....?
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4. Which key is used to select all the text in the document ?
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5. To move to the end of the document, press the _____ key(s) ?
A). Down arrow
B). End
C). CTRL+down arrow
D). CTRL+end
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A). CTRL+l
B). CTRL+e
C). CTRL+1
D). CTRL+m
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7. Which key do you press to force a page break ?
B). CTRL+ break
C). CTRL+ Enter
D). none of the above
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8. What is the shortcut key to "Undo" the last action in a document ?
A). CTRL + X
B). CTRL + Y
C). CTRL + Z
D). None of above
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9. How to remove all character formats ?
A). Shift + Spacebar
B). Shift + Enter
C). CTRL + Spacebar
D). CTRL + Enter
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10. What is the shortcut key to show font dialog box ?
A). CTRL + D
B). CTRL + Shift + F
C). CTRL + Shift + P
D). All of the above
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A). CTRL + F4
B). Shift + F4
C). CTRL + Shift + F4
D). None of above
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12. What is the shortcut key for "Superscript" the selected text ?
A). CTRL + =
B). CTRL + -
C). CTRL + Shift + =
D). CTRL + Shift + -
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13. What is the shortcut key for "Subscript" the selected text ?
A). CTRL + =
B). CTRL + -
C). CTRL + Shift + =
D). CTRL + Shift + -
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14. How can you access the font size tool on formatting toolbar ?
A). CTRL + S
B). CTRL + Shift + S
C). CTRL + P
D). CTRL + Shift + P
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15. What is the shortcut key to "Insert Hyperlink" in a document?
A). CTRL + H
B). CTRL + L
C). CTRL + K
D). None of above
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A). CTRL + F
B). CTRL + R
C). CTRL + H
D). CTRL + Shift + F
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17. What is the shortcut key for "Font" dialog box ?
A). CTRL + F
B). CTRL + D
C). CTRL + G
D). None of the above
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18. What is the shortcut key to Update Formula in a table ?
A). F9
B). Alt + F9
C). CTRL + F9
D). Shift + F9
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19. What is the shortcut key for Spelling Check in document ?
A). F7
B). Shift + F7
C). CTRL + F7
D). Alt + F7
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20. What is the shortcut key to "Center Align" the selected text ?
A). CTRL + C
B). CTRL + E
C). CTRL + F
D). None of above
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