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English Preposition MCQs With Answers Set 5

English Preposition MCQs are essential for mastering the relationship between words. A preposition is a word—often short and meaningful—that indicates the relationship between two nearby words. Prepositions typically explain the position of something, the time when an event occurs, and the manner in which an action is performed. Notably, prepositions like "of," "to," and "for" have specific functions. The object of the preposition is always a noun, a pronoun, or a noun equivalent.

Our collection includes English MCQs for PPSC, GATE, and other exams. The preposition MCQs test online is designed to help you prepare effectively. Preposition MCQs are a compulsory component of any NTS, PPSC, FPSC, CSS, PAF, Headmaster, Subject Specialist, or Lecturer jobs test. Typically, each job test includes 1 to 5 preposition MCQs. To succeed, thorough preparation is crucial.

In response to the needs of students and job seekers, we proudly present this 5th set of preposition MCQs. All questions are derived from previous tests conducted by NTS, PPSC, and FPSC. Our goal is to equip you with the necessary skills to excel in your upcoming exams. Let's start the quiz..

Preposition MCQ Test Set 5

1. It will take us a long time _____ decision.
A). about
B). to
C). in
D). of
2. It took me ages to find a space _____ park my car.
A). to
B). in
C). about
D). of
3. I have not got enough money _____ buy it.
A). about
B). of
C). to
D). in
4. The neighbors complained _____ how loud our music was.
A). of
B). at
C). on
D). about
5. The town is 100 meters _____ sea level.
A). of
B). on
C). above
D). at
6. He complained _____ chest pains and went to hospital.
A). at
B). of
C). on
D). over
7. The bank is _____ front of my house.
A). in
B). of
C). about
D). on
8. The kitchen is _____ the back of the house.
A). about
B). in
C). of
D). at
9. We waited _____ the back of the queue.
A). about
B). in
C). at
D). of
10. We sat _____ the back of the classroom.
A). about
B). at
C). of
D). in

11. He tried to push in, but he was sent _____ back of the queue.
A). at
B). in
C). about
D). of
12. The story was _____ the front page of all the newspapers.
A). of
B). in
C). about
D). at
13. Didn't they warn you _____ trying that?
A). about
B). at
C). of
D). on
14. My house is _____ the end of the street.
A). at
B). on
C). of
D). over
15. We have not decided, but we're thinking _____ buying a new car.
A). at
B). of
C). about
D). on
16. Good idea, I wish I had thought _____ it.
A). at
B). of
C). on
D). under
17. I am scared _____ heights.
A). about
B). in
C). of
D). on
18. They were congratulated for their success _____ tracking him down.
A). about
B). of
C). in
D). on
19. There has been a fall _____ prices.
A). about
B). on
C). of
D). in
20. He has a difficult relationship _____ them.
A). about
B). in
C). with
D). of

21. I have thought a lot _____ them recently.
A). on
B). of
C). in
D). about
22. I cannot tell the difference _____ them.
A). about
B). in
C). between
D). of
23. His attitude _____ his work is very negative
A). to
B). in
C). about
D). of
24. You have to be _____ 18 to see this film.
A). at
B). over
C). of
D). on
25. They get killed _____ the end of the film.
A). of
B). on
C). at
D). with
26. The temperature is just _____ freezing.
A). at
B). of
C). above
D). on
27. Her test was _____ average.
A). at
B). above
C). of
D). on
28. I will keep phoning _____ you pay me.
A). at
B). until
C). of
D). on
29. It must be finished _____ Friday afternoon.
A). by
B). of
C). at
D). on
30. She will be staying at the hotel _____ Friday.
A). at
B). until
C). of
D). on
Solve this Preposition MCQ Test Set 5

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My Name is M. Zahid, I have master degree in Computer Science. Currently I am working as an Information Technology Teacher in Govt sector of Pakistan. Blogging is my passion and I try my best to deliver some useful contents on our blogs for my res…
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