A database is an essential component of any software, serving as the back-end system where data is stored, managed, and retrieved. A Database Management System (DBMS) acts as an intermediary between the database and the user, often receiving commands from a Database Administrator (DBA). These commands can instruct the system to load, retrieve, or modify existing data, ensuring smooth and efficient operations. One key feature of a DBMS is data independence, which allows changes in storage mechanisms or formats without requiring modifications to the entire software system.
The DBMS MCQs questions with answers set 5 provide a comprehensive review of core database concepts. This set covers topics like the introduction to the E-R (Entity-Relationship) model, its components, and types of entities. Understanding the various types of entity relationships, such as one-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many relationships, is crucial for database design. The set also explores different types of attributes, including single-valued, multi-valued, and composite attributes, along with types of identifiers, such as composite identifiers.
Additionally, the set delves into more advanced topics, such as the degree of relationships, recursive relationships, ternary relationships, and cardinality. By covering these topics, the MCQs offer a thorough understanding of DBMS fundamentals, preparing users for exams and practical applications in database management. Whether you're new to databases or looking to deepen your knowledge, these questions provide valuable insights into how a DBMS handles data storage, retrieval, and relationships within a system. Let's start the quiz..
DBMS MCQs Questions With Answers Set 5
A). Entity class
B). Weak entity
C). Relationship
D). Attribute
A). IS-A relationships
B). Recursive relationships
C). HAS-A relationships
D). None of the above
A). Ellipse
B). Rectangle
C). Rectangle with rounded corners
D). Diamond
A). Composite attributes
B). Multi-valued attributes
C). Composite identifiers
D). Identifiers
A). Composite identifiers
B). Multi-valued attributes
C). Composite attributes
D). Identifiers
A). HAS-A relationships
B). IS-A relationships
C). Binary relationship
D). None of the above
A). Weak entity
B). Relationship
C). Attribute
D). Entity class
A). Relationship type
B). Entity identifier
C). Relationship instance
D). Associative entity
A). Course
B). Department
C). Student_Id
D). Student
A). Characteristics
B). Field
C). Identifier
D). Instance
A). Person
B). Object
C). Concept
D). Action
A). Strong
B). Weak
C). Dependent
D). Variant
A). Associative entity
B). Connecting entity
C). Intersectional entity
D). All
A). Entities
B). Attributes
C). Relationships
D). Descriptors
A). Unary
B). Binary
C). Ternary
D). Associative
A). Relationships
B). Entity types
C). Identifiers
D). Attributes
A). Student_Address
B). College_Degree
C). Student_GPA
D). ID_Number
A). Cardinality constraint
B). Entity instance
C). Associative entity
D). Multi-valued attribute
A). Contains structure or format of entity
B). Contains one instance of a particular entity
C). Represents something that the users want to track
D). B and C
A). Have the same values for the attributes
B). Belong to the same entity class
C>. Have the same attributes
D). B and C
A). Relational Cardinality
B). Mapping Cardinality
C). Participation Constraints
D). None of these
A). Many-to-many
B). One-to-many
C). One-to-one
D). Many-to-one
A). Many-to-one
B). Many-to-many
C). One-to-one
D). One-to-many
A). Using generalization
B). Using aggregation
C). Adding appropriate attributes
D). None of the above
A). Generalization
B). Abstraction
C). Specialization
D). None of these
A). Database
B). Schema
C). Table
D). Record
A). Recursive relationship
B). Reflexive relationship
C). Self-relationship
D). Hierarchical relationship
A). A bold underline
B). A dashed line
C). A rectangle
D). An ellipse
A). Column
B). Row
C). Relation
D). Attribute
A). Tables
B). Relationships
C). Files
D). Programs

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