Fundamentals of Computer MCQ Questions With Answers Set 10

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Fundamentals of Computer MCQ Questions With Answers Set 10

Computer mcqs, fundamentals of computer mcqs, fundamentals of computer multiple choice questions with answers set 10. Fundamentals of computer mcqs set 10 includes the mcqs related to the topics generation of computers, abbreviation of computer terms, parts of personal computer, modern computers, microprocessor, logic unit functionalities, operating system compiler and history of computer programmers.

Fundamentals of computer mcqs series contain all type of multiple choice questions with answers which covers the topics such as classification of computers, history of computers, generation of computers, computer input and output devices, computer peripherals, working of a computer, functions of storage devices, memory calculations, registers in computer, computer viruses, types of virus, computer motherboard structure and functions of various computer devices.

Fundamentals of Computer MCQ Questions With Answers Set 10

1. BCD is abbreviation of______?
A). Binary Coded Decimal
B). Bit Coded Decimal
C). Binary Coded Digit
D). Bit Coded Digit
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Correct: A

2. When was the world’s first laptop computer introduced in the market and by whom ?
A). Hewlett-Packard, 1980
B). Epson, 1981
C). Laplink Traveling Software Inc, 1982
D). Tandy Model-200, 1985
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Correct: B

3. From which generation operating systems were developed ?
A). First
B). Second
C). Third
D). Fourth
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Correct: C

4. The first firm to mass-market a microcomputer as a personal computer was ?
B). Super UNIVAC
C). RadioShack
D). Data General Corporation
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Correct: C

5. A computer consists of________ ?
A). A central processing unit
B). A memory
C). Input and output unit
D). All of the above
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Correct: D

6. Why are vacuum tubes also called valves ?
A). Because they can amplify the weak signals and make them strong
B). Because they can stop or allow the flow of current
C). Both of above
D). None of above
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Correct: B

7. An integrated circuit is______ ?
A). A complicated circuit
B). An integrating device
C). Much costlier than a single trbutton1istor
D). Fabricated on a tiny silicon chip
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Correct: D

8. What type of control pins are needed in a microprocessor to regulate traffic on the bus, in order to prevent two devices from trying to use it at the same time?
A). Bus control
B). Interrupts
C). Bus arbitration
D). Status
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Correct: C

9. Where as a computer mouse moves over the table surface, the trackball is ?
A). Stationary
B). Difficult to move
C). Dragged
D). Moved in small steps
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Correct: A

10. Which of the following is used as a primary storage device?
A). Magnetic drum
B). Hard Disks
C). Floppy
D). All of above
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Correct: A

11. Multi user systems provided cost savings for small business because they use a single processing unit to link several ?
A). Personal computers
B). Workstations
C). Dumb terminals
D). Mainframes
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Correct: C

12. What are the three decisions making operations performed by the ALU of a computer ?
A). Greater than
B). Less than
C). Equal to
D). All of the above
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Correct: D

13. The word processing task associated with changing the appearance of a document is ?
A). Editing
B). Writing
C). Formatting
D). All of above
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Correct: C

14. Nepal brought a computer for census of 2028 BS. This computer was of ?
A). first generation
B). second generation
C). third generation
D). fourth generation
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Correct: B

15. Algorithm and Flowchart help us to ?
A). Know the memory capacity
B). Identify the base of a number system
C). Direct the output to a printer
D). Specify the problem completely and clearly
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Correct: D

16. Which statement is valid about computer program ?
A). It is understood by a computer
B). It is understood by programmer
C). It is understood user
D). Both a & b
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Correct: D

17. The difference between memory and storage is that memory is _____ and storage is ______ ?
A). Temporary, permanent
B). Permanent, temporary
C). Slow, fast
D). All of above
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Correct: A

18. When was Pascaline invented______ ?
A). 1617
B). 1620
C). 1642
D). 1837
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Correct: C

19. Which of the following statement is valid ?
A). Lady Augusta is the first programmer
B). Ada is the daughter of Lord Byron, a famous English poet
C). ADA is a programming language developed by US Defense
D). All of above
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Correct: D

20. A compiler is a trbutton1lating program which ?
A). Trbutton1lates instruction of a high level language into machine language
B). Trbutton1lates entire source program into machine language program
C). It is not involved in program’s execution
D). All of above
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Correct: D

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My Name is M. Zahid, I have master degree in Computer Science. Currently I am working as an Information Technology Teacher in Govt sector of Pakistan. Blogging is my passion and I try my best to deliver some useful contents on our blogs for my res…
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