Database mcqs with answers set 7 includes the mcqs of the semantic object model, semantic objects, semantic object attributes, attribute cardinality, semantic object views, and all types of objects. Database mcqs for FPSC, database mcqs for the interview, database mcqs for KPKPSC, database mcqs for NTS, database mcqs for pdf, database mcqs for PPSC.
What is Semantic Object Model
Semantic object model is a logical representation of data in an organization. It views the entire system as a collection of objects related to one another. The semantic object model takes semantic objects as the basic element. It is based on the concepts presented by Codd. It was first presented in 1988. The semantic object model can represent the perceptions of the user more closely than the E-R model.
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DBMS MCQs - Database MCQs With Answers Set 7
1. The term 'semantic' means?A). Data
B). Meaning
C). Attribute
D). Detailed
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2. Which type of attribute is composed of other attributes?
A). Simple
B). Meta
C). Group
D). Compound
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3. Which of the following is not true of semantic objects?
A). Always represent physical entities
B). Always provide a sufficient description
C). Are always named
D). Always describe a distinct identity
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4. A semantic object?
A). Is a representation of some identifiable thing in the users' work environment
B). Is a characteristic of an attribute?
C). Is one or more object attributes that the users employ to identify object instances
D). Is description of an attribute's possible values?
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5. A semantic object that contains one or more multi-value, simple or group attributes but no other attributes is known as?
A). Simple objects
B). Composite objects
C). Compound objects
D). Hybrid objects
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6. Combinations of composite and compound objects are known as?
A). Hybrid objects
B). Association objects
C). Subtype objects
D). Arch type objects
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7. A semantic object that contains only single-value, simple or group attributes is called?
A). Simple objects
B). Composite objects
C). Compound objects
D). Hybrid objects
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8. Which of the following contains at least one object attribute?
A). Simple objects
B). Composite objects
C). Compound objects
D). Hybrid objects
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A). Single-value, group attribute that includes a multi-value semantic object attribute
B). Single-value, group attribute that includes any semantic object attribute
C). Multi-value, group attribute and at least one multi-value semantic object attribute
D). Multi-value, group attribute that includes any semantic object attribute
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10. A composite object is a semantic object that contains?
A). Single-value, simple or group attributes but no object attributes
B). At least one object attribute
C). At least one multi-value, simple or group attribute but no object attributes
D). At least one multi-value object attribute
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11. Which of the following relate two or more other objects?
A). Hybrid objects
B). Association objects
C). Subtype objects
D). Archtype objects
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12. Which of the following are used to represent the specialization of objects?
A). Hybrid objects
B). Association objects
C). Subtype objects
D). Archtype objects
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13. Which of the following are used to model objects that contain base data along with multiple variations, or versions?
A). Hybrid objects
B). Association objects
C). Subtype objects
D). Archtype objects
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14. How are the E-R model and the semantic object model similar?
A). Neither strives to model the structure of the things in the users' world
B). Both see the concept of entity as basic
C). They both see the semantic object as basic
D). Both are tools for understanding and documenting the structure of -the users' data
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15. The principle difference between the E-R model and the semantic model is?
A). The E-R model sees the concept of entity as basic while the semantic object model sees the concept of semantic object as basic
B). The semantic object model sees the concept of entity as basic while the E-R model sees the concept of semantic object as basic
C). The E-R model models the users' worlD). The semantic model models the real world
D). An E-R model is a tool for understanding and documenting the structure of the users' data while the semantic model is not
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16. Attributes which have a single element are called:
A). Simple attributes
B). Group attributes
C). Semantic object attributes
D). Paired attributes
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A). Group identifiers
B). Object identifiers
C). Compound identifier
D). Domain
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18. Which of the following is a description of an attribute's possible values?
A). Group identifiers
B). Object identifiers
C). Compound identifier
D). Domain
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19. Which of the following is an identifier that has more then one attribute?
A). Group identifiers
B). Object identifiers
C). Compound identifier
D). Domain
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20. The set of an attribute's specific values is called?
A). Identifier
B). Domain
C). Enumerated list
D). Attribute
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21. Which of the following refers to an attribute whose maximum cardinality is 1?
A). Multi-value attribute
B). Nonobject attribute.
C). Paired attribute.
D). Single-value attribute
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22. Which of the following refers to a simple or group attribute?
A). Multi-value attribute
B). Nonobject attribute
C). Paired attribute.
D). Single-value attribute
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23. Which are the three types of domains?
A). Group, compound, and association
B). Simple, group, and semantic
C). Compound, hybrid, and association
D). Simple, compound and semantic
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24. The process of developing a set of object diagrams is?
A). Sequential
B). Iterative
C). Parallel
D). Singular
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